Kayla digging into her bag to show off her legacy beads.....
SO proud! The kids were raising their hands to ask more questions.
Kayla reading to her friends from a book she made for them, "What I miss about you". It was in response to their book to her, "What I love about you". It was so sweet. She wrote what she missed about each of them with pictures. Mrs. Boerio is going to laminate it. She worked SO hard on that book. It took her months. She put a lot of thought into each person. It was really sweet. :) You can see the kids all smiling and enjoying it! (not as much as I was though!!!)
After her story, they went on to making their art projects, volcanoes and writing their names in cursive at their desks. (Kayla's favorite thing!)
Showing Kayla how to make her volcano
They even brought in ICE CREAM complete with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Nothing like a little special treat on such a special and memorable day! Keep gaining Kayla!
During all of this, there was a very special surprise being made for her...
A blue sweatshirt (kayla's current favorite color) with all of her classmates signatures on it! How sweet and precious is THIS??? Thank you again Lea! Great idea!!!
Kayla got to erupt the volcano that Mrs. Boerio had from previous (already dry and ready to GO)
Mrs. Boerio was showing Kayla what to do. Look at the look on Kayla's face... so excited!My PROUD girl...... I love this picture of her. It makes me tear up. I know what these moments have meant to her. She has waited and dreamt of this moment for so long. Mrs. Boerio, you are such a special woman. Thank you for today! Thank you......
As if today weren't amazing enough, the presented Kayla with her special surprise. It was like the cherry on top!
Surprise......... ;)
SHE LOVES IT!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for truly one of the most amazing days I have ever had. I will cherish the look on her face for the rest of my days. I just love this little girl so much. I am just so happy she got to have this day...... I will come back to this blog post in the future hard days to come.
Our car gets shipped tomorrow morning. I am happy it will be waiting for us on the other side. Hopefully with minimal (if any damage). We are taking a chance and packing our vita-mixer and a dirt devil for the floors. I SO hope they make it.... Nothing on the inside can be insured. Thank you so much for all the kind offers for rides and for your cars while we spend the rest of our days here at home. You all are so kind! I think we are covered. If anything changes, I will ask. Promise!
We are busy packing and getting things organized. The next few days will be SO busy getting ready. Emotionally & physically. If I haven't been good at returning emails, I sincerely apologize. Just so many rolling in this last week home. We love you all and we appreciate all of your love more then words can say! Please continue to pray for all of us. Pray for our family and beyond. For all who suffer. For all who continue to fight this fight. For those who fight on after losing loved ones. Pray for those who have just learned what they are up against. Pray for a cure...
I promise to get back into my regular blogging pattern once back at St. Jude. Luckily, there hasn't been much to report!
A few questions I have gotten while being here:
Q: Does Kayla now know she has cancer, or does she still think it's a bump?
A: Yes. She knows everything. Without giving her fear, she knows. The lack of fear is what I believe helps kids do so well during treatment. She does understand that some kinds of cancer are worse then others. She does understand worst case..... She has to. It's part of what makes her fight on!
Q: How long will Chemo take? When will you be home?
A: We don't know. It depends. She has 4 rounds. She will be in patient Monday-Friday (or longer if there is infection or something else that keeps her from being released). It will take weeks until her counts come back up to "normal" after being released. This depends on her. Her own body. Once her counts get back up, they hit her again and the cycle continues. We have seen people take anywhere from 5 months to a year... it really depends. So we just don't know. This is the hardest part! I am a planner!!! This whole thing has made me totally let go of that completely. It's sometimes a good thing though.
Q: When will you have an address?
A: This depends as well. Our ability to move back into an apartment is all dependent on the availability. We won't have an actual address until we are back into the Target House. Once we are there, I promise to post our address.
Q: How is Kayla doing?
A: You can see in these pics! She is doing GREAT. We are all holding up. Honestly. We are doing ok because of Kayla. Her spirits keep us all feeling normal.
Q: How is Anthony?
A: Wonderful! That kids was made for us!!! I'm telling you. Nothing phases him. He is happy and thriving having us around him 24-7. It's making us all closer!
Q: When does Kayla start chemo?
A: She gets admitted the 14th in the evening. Chemo starts the 15th.
Q: When do you all go back?
A: Kayla and Denny fly back early this coming Sunday morning. They have a very busy schedule upon returning. Anthony and I don't have flights booked yet... We contemplated just staying here. NO... JUST KIDDING. We will most likely go back the following Sunday.
Q: Do you see my comments on the blog?
A: YES. I read them all! Each and every one! If you are anonymous, please say your name at the end (some of you already do this). I have no way of knowing who you are otherwise... and I want to know! :) They help so much to keep us strong. THANK YOU!
Q: Does Denny have enough socks? Does he still knit?
A: Yes, thank you to all of you who sent socks. He is still good on socks! He has given knitting a rest while being home, but will resume the position in a few days. ;)
I think those are the main questions. Of course, if there are any more you want me to answer, just ask. Chances are I just forgot to post it here. ;)
We love you ALL. Good night!!!!!!